God's Peace is Perfect

God's Peace is Perfect

It is important to remember that God’s peace and plan are perfect. We never have a 30,000-foot view of the situation, but God does. The Lord knows all that is happening today and everything that will happen tomorrow. Therefore, we need to trust Him and His promises to protect us.

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Fight for Peace

Fight for Peace

An epic battle surrounds every person on this planet, especially those who know the Lord. It is a war of the mind, and we fight it daily. Victory takes focus and prayer. When we trust the Lord, knowing He is faithful to us, He never lets us down.

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Peace Beyond Understanding

Peace Beyond Understanding

The peace we can have through God, is a peace that drives out fear and surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). When you are experiencing a trial in life but can still lie down at night and sleep without worry, you have peace beyond understanding. That is the peace that comes from God; you only get it by putting all your faith in Him.

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Peace in Every Storm

Peace in Every Storm

David wrote Psalm 4 after his son, Absalom, had betrayed him, and it was likely written after he experienced a night or two of harrowing danger. How amazing is it that David’s first response was to praise God even in the face of persecution and heartbreak? He looked to the Lord confidently, never doubting that God would rescue him. That is an essential key to peace beyond understanding. God is faithful, and we need to learn to have faith without doubt. What is your first response to fear?

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