What is Love!

What is Love!

What is love? This is an important question when considering anything related to feelings of self-worth. We often walk through life feeling unloved because we look to the world to fill that cup. It’s an age-old struggle.

People in the Bible struggled with the same feelings we do today. From the beginning of our sinful existence, every human has wanted to feel loved and accepted. We seek it from the world but are left feeling empty because love is a need that can’t be fulfilled by anyone but God. As we study what the Bible says about God’s agape love, we will examine how the world tries unsuccessfully to fill this need. However, it can’t give something it doesn’t have.

The enemy would have us believe that the Bible contains mere stories that have nothing to do with our lives today. But that is a lie from satan himself. We need to recognize and acknowledge this fact if we are going to make any progress on our journey of seeking love in our lives. The people in the Bible walked this earth just as you do, and they struggled with the same principalities of darkness that you fight against. It’s the goal of evil to leave you feeling unwanted and unloved. Feelings are crippling.

But love isn't a feeling—it's an act. Love is something we must give to truly receive. Once we find healing, we find love. We find freedom when we realize the world will never fill our cup of love. We heal when we no longer allow others to determine our worthiness of love. The Bible tells us to love one another, but we are never promised love from anyone other than God. That's because true love comes from God alone.

So, do you feel loved? You may be surrounded by people who love you, but chances are, you still struggle with feeling loved. You may be scarred by others who make you feel unlovable. But don’t lose hope. There is healing and freedom in Christ.

I am confident that when the Pharisees brought the woman caught in adultery to Jesus, she did not feel loved. Their actions were to scorn her and use her to trap Him. As the eyes of contempt stared down at her, I can only imagine the thoughts racing through her head and the fear in her heart. The punishment for adultery was a death sentence by stoning. She sought love from a forbidden source and now stood to pay its ultimate price. One of this woman’s biggest mistakes was confusing lust with love. With that mistake, she would never be enough.

As you journal today, think of a time when you felt ridiculed and unloved. How have you healed that memory? If you don’t feel loved today, describe why you feel unloved.

Let's Pray

Father, I know I will never experience feeling loved apart from You. Please help me rely on You alone to fill the emptiness inside. Please help me stop seeking love from the world and turn to You. I want to be whole through You. In Jesus's name. Amen